Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Proposed Rental Inspection Ordinance

The City Council and staff continue to explore an ordinance that would call for regular inspections of rental properties in Sterling. There are some questions that continue to arise. There was a recent Council work session which overviewed the program. You can see the PowerPoint presentation in PDF format here.

One of the questions is the time frame and nature of inspections. First, these are not unannounced or unscheduled inspections. The goal is to make sure all properties are safe and up to building and maintenance codes. Ideally, owners and managers of rental property would have the homes up to code before we arrive, knowing when we would inspect. If the ordinance passes in July or August, we will begin the registration and scheduling process with inspections likely to begin late in the year or around January 1.

Secondly, there is an internal inspection component to the program, but it is not scheduled to begin for 3 years. Due to the limited manpower available and the number of properties in the City, we will focus on exteriors for the first 3 years unless there is a complaint about an issue.

Again, this proposal does not add more stringent codes/standards to what the City has already adopted in past years. This program is just another tool by which to enforce those building and maintenance codes. Those codes are important as they set minimums for safety and health standards for residents. Theoretically, all homes should already be up to code. We want to ensure that renters roofs aren't leaking, that smoke and CO detectors are installed per state law, that there is no exposed wiring, that windows and screens are in place, foundations are solid, etc.

Sterling would be the first in the Sauk Valley to adopt such an ordinance, but many other cities across the state, large and small; rural and urban; have adopted similar ordinances. The end goal being better neighborhoods and safe housing that meets a minimum standard of living.