Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sterling Main Street's Official Designation

What a great day for Sterling!

On Main Street Day at the Capitol, Sterling and Sterling Main Street were officially elevated to the status of "Designated Main Street Community." That's result of a lot of effort from a group of dedicated individuals.

(L-R: Representative Jerry Mitchell; Myself; Sterling Main Street President, Ed Cox; Sterling Main Street Director, Shelley Hoffman; Sterling Main Street Board Member Phil Mattox; Governor Pat Quinn)

Normally the Lieutenant Governor comes to your City for the ceremonies, but of course we no longer have a Lt. Governor courtesy of the last Governor. That takes away a lot of the local spotlight from these tireless volunteers and director. They're adding a great asset to our City. The facade grant program and the low interest loan program are two opportunities to help downtown business and building owners that wouldn't exist without Main Street. Congratulations Main Street volunteers!