Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer's Here!

Great news for enjoying the weather, but it also means road work and traffic interruptions. There's a good chance you've already encountered the work going occurring on Polo Road. Workers are improving the stormwater drainage in the area and adding a turn lane to Polo road in addition to resurfacing the area. Most of the work will be done this year and the road completely opened later this summer, but the final layer of asphalt is actually going to be laid next summer to allow the base to settle and to allow for other potential construction work in the area.

Other street projects include:

Broadway – 4th to 5th
Avenue F – 5th to 7th
E. 23rd St – Locust – 3rd
8th Avenue – 4th - 5th
8th Avenue – 6th – 10th
Johnson Ave – 9th – 10th
Woodlawn Rd – Route 2 – City Limits
6th Avenue – 3rd to 4th

While the work can tie up traffic and cause temporary parking concerns, the end result more than makes up for it! Please give the workers a break and have a little patience while they're at work. Thanks for the cooperation!