Saturday, May 23, 2009

Clean and Green

I hope most were able to take advantage of "Clean and Green" in Sterling. This was our second year and a lot of stuff got dumped, so hopefully it's keeping the yards nicer and your basement and attic a little more clutter free! I'll try to get totals posted at some point.

But the other part of this is the volunteer effort we're trying to build. To make a community work and grow better, it takes people stepping up and volunteering for various causes. For Clean And Green, we're trying to spruce up the City using volunteer efforts to take on projects that might not otherwise get done. Last year we did some plantings around the entry signs into the community at N. Locust and on Freeport Road in addition to a litter pickup in the downtown, some storm cleanup and graffiti coverup. This year, we planted in the neighborhood of a few hundred flowers in the downtown, at Grandon, and at the Farmer's Market. We also cleaned one case of graffiti and watered all of the new plantings. Another crew donated some hours at the Manahan home. The third crew worked on a home that's needed painting and cleanup for some time. They blasted the paint off, scraped and got nearly all of it primed over the course of 3 days. Amazing!

So to the Wal*Mart Distribution Center who stepped up with probably 40 volunteers last year and this year, I say thanks to all of you for helping us all out. The Distribution Center has come forward both times and brought volunteers who are happy to be helping and work hard on the task at hand. Much appreciated. We were also joined by Bob and Judy Fox who regularly help the Park District through a volunteer program they coordinate. Great of you two to come down and help. And while I'm at it, thanks to the Public Works guys who took on some overtime hours on a long weekend to help Sterling residents out. I stopped by both sites and I know those guys were happy to help and wearing smiles.

I hope people and other businesses can join us next year, whether it's a project we can decide on, or one you can pick. We're just hoping to get more people into spring cleaning and making our area an even better place to live!!!

Some of the scrap we'll attempt to salvage:

Several of these were filled and taken away!

Tires continued to be a popular drop off item:

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's Bike to Work Day!

A helpful guide on how to bike to work from the Chicago Bicycle Federation:

It's probably easier than you think! What might take you 10 minutes to drive might only take 15-20 to ride, plus you get your exercise in for the day! Of course it also cuts down on your car and gas costs.

There's also a new group of recreational cyclists in town that are riding together on Mondays and Wednesday and all levels are welcome. Dixon also has an all are welcome ride on Thursdays. On Wednesdays, riders meet at Ridge Road just south of the I-88 over pass south of Rock Falls at 6pm for individual 10 mile rides. On Mondays, riders meet for a group ride (a short and long option is available) at Arthur's in Sterling at 5:30. Show up, ride with the group and end up back at Arthur's for a bite or dessert!

Sterling is pretty easy to ride through. Please remember to follow the rules of the road, which includes riding to the right with traffic. Never ride against traffic. Motorists are required to give at least 3 feet of space to cyclists by state law.

Get moving!